Thursday, September 23, 2010

Where is my camera cord?

Oh my gosh guys I am so sorry!  I have totally let you all down!  I have some absolutely wonderful pictures on my camera (ok I think they are wonderful, lol), but ... I can't get them onto my computer!

Oh yeah ... did I mention that we moved this last weekend?  And then the day after we moved I started my new job?  Oh, and the worst thing yet ... I discovered that Blogger is BLOCKED at my new job!!!!!!!

I'm going through picture with-drawls y'all ... so here are some old pictures ... just because I can't post on my picture blog without them!!!!

These are some of my early attempts at photography from a visit to Calaway Gardens is Georgia.  I am so excited that our Thanksgiving will be there this year ... and know that I know so much more about photography I am so ready to take pictures there!

So here you go ... completely 'un-educated' and un-edited pictures (and they are smaller because I don't feel like re-sizing them ... sorry guys):


Anonymous said...

Hope you find your cord soon. Great pictures.

JinXiu said...

great pictures